Our partners benefit from our in-depth matching expertise and our cross-sector knowledge. Besides, it is no secret that companies with suitable business partners develop further and achieve significantly more than others who only concentrate on themselves.
Matchbird’s serendipity matches are so special precisely because they do not simply rely on contact brokering – but on the goal-oriented and sustainable networking of companies.
This often involves developing disruptive ideas for and with our partners that can set completely new impulses or trends.
Here is a small video example from our matching processes:
You decide for an active matching round and become a partner company of Matchbird by booking a matching account with 3 matches. After the conclusion of the contract, a special confidentiality agreement is concluded with Matchbird for the protection of intellectual property. So your data and business content is safe and secure at all times.
We create your company profile and a concrete target agreement that can be quickly and easily changed, specified or extended at any time. From then on, a matching coordinator from our team will take care of all your matching concerns and will be your permanent contact person.
You will regularly receive matching proposals that we generate on the basis of your profile and the target framework agreement. All partners benefit from the team’s many years of matching expertise and the experience and knowledge gained from many thousands of matching processes launched, as well as from the latest and continuously developed data graph technology.
The unique Matchbird principle ensures dynamic in innovation processes and new options in business development. Above all, the inclusion of the serendipity principle should increase the chances of realising special ideas and disruptive approaches.
In a direct and intensive exchange with the partner company proposed by us, you discuss how the cooperation can be shaped, often with the inclusion of special experts from the relevant departments.
Whether a matching process is assessed as MATCH or NO-MATCH is decided by each matching party alone. Matchbird intentionally omits evaluation rules or evaluation specifications in the mandatory evaluation process and relies on the fairness of all parties involved.
We support our partner companies not only with disruptive, innovative and creative concepts that show completely new possibilities for their business success in the sense of serendipity. Of course, we also create connections on the basis of classic network categories and competence overlaps.